Healthy Habits
July 14, 2024

7 Evidence-Backed Tips to Achieve Your Goals

Do you tend to set goals but have trouble following through? Research shows us the best ways to set goals and create habits so we achieve our long-term goals. Here are 7 evidence-backed tips to get you started.

Dr Priyanka Naidu
7 Evidence-Backed Tips to Achieve Your Goals

Most of us have experienced a surge of motivation that comes with the desire to make positive changes in our lives, whether that’s waking up earlier, exercising regularly, eating better or the pursuit of a passion project.

But relying on motivation alone isn’t sufficient to help us reach our goals. The good news is that we can learn to set effective goals and create habits that don’t rely on motivation to achieve long-term changes in behaviour.

Here are 7 evidence-backed tips to get you started.

Identify the habits you need to develop to reach your goals

A regular writing habit is important for writing a book, and regular movement is important for improved health. Habits are those behaviours that we do without much conscious effort e.g. brushing our teeth, putting on our seatbelt, and drinking our morning coffee. Habits are thus more resistant to dips in motivation!

What habits do you need to create to achieve your goal?

Focus on consistency

Repetition is key for developing a habit. When we do something consistently, the neural networks in our brain strengthens for that behaviour, meaning the more likely it will turn into a habit. This also means that the more often we do something, the easier it will become!

If you're finding it difficult to maintain your goal, try scaling it back. Once you've mastered showing up, then increase the difficulty of the goal.

Start small

Work on developing one habit at a time as it is often difficult to create multiple habits at a time. This is because creating habits requires discipline and self-control. So start small, focus on consistency and when the behaviour becomes a habit, you can stack on more!

Create visual cues

Life gets busy and we may simply forget about the goals we're working towards. So, make it easier to remember by creating visual cues! This could look like making healthy food more visible in the kitchen, or placing your journal on your bedside table to remind you to write before bedtime. These changes may also make the desired behaviour easier, increasing your chances of doing it.

Make it enjoyable

We are more likely to work towards goals when we find the pursuit of them enjoyable. This might look like exercising with a friend, joining a reading club or adding more plant-based foods to your favourite meal.

How can you make working towards your goals more enjoyable?

Celebrate along the way

Rewards can increase motivation! Rewarding yourself might look like trying out a new cafe, taking a coffee break, or planning a trip to the beach.

Try habit stacking

I use this trick all the time! Habit stacking involves pairing a new behaviour with an existing habit. If you want to start journaling, habit stacking would look like pairing journaling with an existing habit such as, when drinking your morning coffee. Over time, your existing habit will serve as a cue for your newly developed habit.

Hope these tips have helped!